Thursday, July 30, 2009

Romborama Coverage

The gun fires and...

They're off!

With a steady blend of precision pace and accuracy the bloggers, aware of their competition, must act quickly to put together a post. From a list of roughly eight or so new tracks, the blogger must then select the best option. Shit. Somebody already posted that one...ok well what's left?

The blogger must then post a track that is new and untouched; then write from a perspective of someone who has actually taken the time to thoroughly listen to the whole album (even though he has only skimmed through each track to find the best one).

The blogger could post an updated version or "Album Version" of one of the oldies but...No. Too risky.

Cursing at whatever file sharing provider he uses, he waits impatiently as it slowly uploads his three day trip to stardom.

The blogger trys to remain calm (despite the blaring music in his ears).

The song is finally uploaded. Some swift copy / paste action is executed. The album art is uploaded to a new hosting site to hide his tracks. He still has to think of something clever to go with the post so he doesn't come off as some ass hole who just posts images and mp3s. How about, "Theolonius is a strong ....


"Theolonius is a strong piece that ...


"Theolonius sounds like it could be a hidden track off of Prodigy's Fat of the Land album"

Decent, but I think people might be catching on to the fact that Fat of the Land is the only Dance album from the ninties you truly listened to...

Now the blogger waits as his track, fingers crossed, rises to the top; complete with page refreshing and twitter updates every now and then.

When every promotional gimmick has been expended (facebook, twitter, word of mouth, texts even), the blogger just sits back and waits for the awkward cease and desist email.

$ The Bloody Beetroots - Theolonius (King Voodoo)


  1. Hahahahaha! Superb post! I am planning to do something on "Roborama" too but there is no rush...

  2. This is the best and most accurate post I have read all week.

  3. haha! thats much better!!! <3<3<3

    this post is so truthful i think all my nerves and bones were hit

    love youuu

  4. Definitely benefits to not being on hypem.

  5. hahahahaha GREAT POST!!!!! So true. I've nearly finished my review. BLah!

  6. Having listened to the album now, I gotta say most of the newer tracks suck. RIP BBR.

  7. I enjoy their music just as much as i always have. they didn't pull a fist of god or anything and throw a bunch of random rappers on there (the two that they do have rapping on are both good)

    warp is epic and it'd take a very sad soul to not enjoy themselves when it drops live. 7.7 is great too.

    Little stars is hilarious

    Theolonious is disgusting

    Have mercy is a haunting beautiful banger. Not sure where this song fits but i like it.

  8. After missing a months worth of nashville nights, i returned to my computer hoping to find any new material from my favorite artists that appear on NN( beetroots, mustard pimp, etc.). i scrolled down, read the articles(or whatever you want to call them, sentences) and downloaded songs. My eyes then came upon the word Romborama and a beautiful picture of my favorite duo. i then proceeded to scream oh and i went to click the picture to save it, but i realized that just under is probably a sick bbeetroot song. So i scrolled some more and of course the BBs article is the longest one ever. I continue and i find "Theolonius." I yell a big ol' yes, and right click the shit out of it. Open New Tab. I proceed to mediafire and recieve a message of some sort of error has occured. I scream fuck.

    i have taken the time to write all this out because i am now going to be mentally and emotionally unstable for the next 3-5 days. In the mean time i am going to hunt this motherfucker down.

    that is all
